Frequently Asked Questions
We hope that these FAQs may help to answer any specific questions you may have. If you still have a question that isn’t answered here, please let us know!
The village has instituted a yearly vehicle sticker program. All vehicles parked or housed within the village are required to have vehicle stickers.
Stickers may be purchased January 1st through February 15th at the Village Hall or by mail.
- Passenger cars, pick-up trucks, cycles, motorhomes, and neighborhood vehicles (golf carts) $30
- Senior Citizens (62+) $20 (one per person/max two per household)
- Full time students that reside outside the village $0
- Handicapped $0
- Trucks w/ hauling capacity of 8,000 lb or more: $70
A $10 late penalty will be imposed beginning February 16th. Please contact the Village Hall with any questions.
Court Dates – Times
Crete Police Dept. – First Tuesday of the Month – 9am – 1pm
University Park Police Dept. – Third Tuesday of the Month – 9am – 1pm
Beecher Police Dept. – Fourth Tuesday of the Month – 9am
Peotone Police Dept. – Fourth Tuesday of the Month – 9am
Will County Sheriff – Fourth Tuesday of the Month – 9am – 1pm
Monee Police Dept. – Fourth Tuesday of the Month – 1pm
Any Questions – Contact:
For information about the Will County Fair Grounds, please visit their website.
The Village Hall is located at 208 E. Main Street.
The hours are:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Yes, you will need a special event permit. Applications are available online, or at the office of the Village Clerk.
Applications require Village Board approval, and must be received at least five business days prior to the Board meeting.
Yes, an amplifier permit is required anytime an amplifier is used to generate sound. An application is available online, or at the office of the Village Clerk.
If the pressure is low at only one fixture, unscrew the screen at the end of the faucet and inspect for rust, etc. If you have low water pressure throughout the house, and your home has a Y-strainer installed ahead of the water meter, shut off the water supply line and check the screen to ensure it is clear.
If the drop in pressure is still evident throughout the house, call Aqua at 877-987-2782.
A small but frequent water leak can quickly add up. Check outside faucets, make sure the water softener is operating correctly, and check your toilet for leaks by putting a small amount of food coloring in the tank. If coloring appears in the bowl, there is a leak in the tank plumbing.
If none of these conditions are present, call Aqua at 877-987-2782 for further assistance.
All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds and plant growth in excess of ten inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation other than trees or shrubs; however this definition does not include cultivated gardens or flowers.
It shall be unlawful to park any wrecked, disabled, junked, partially dismantled, or abandoned motor vehicle openly upon private property, premises of any service station, or elsewhere in the village unless the same is garaged and fully enclosed. An inoperable or abandoned vehicle is defined as: any motor vehicle or other vehicle which is either: wrecked, partially dismantled, in a state of disrepair as to be incapable of being driven, has not been moved or used for more than seven consecutive days on private property, is deserted, and/or does not display valid state and Village licenses.
All exterior property and premises, and interior of every structure shall be free from any accumulation of rubbish and/or garbage. In addition, all rubbish or garbage must be stored in metal or plastic containers with close fitting lids. Containers may not be stored in front of the house or garage.
Yes. It is unlawful for a person or the owner of a motor vehicle to permit it to be parked on, across, or in any way blocking a sidewalk, blocking a driveway, in an intersection or crosswalk, within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, in a bus stop, loading zone, the wrong way on a one way street, more than twelve inches from the curb, double parked, or on a two way street so that the driver’s side of the car is nearest the curb. Also, after a snowfall of 2” or more, parking is prohibited on village streets until the streets are plowed to the curb.
Important Phone Numbers
Garbage Collection/Recycling: Star/A&J
Non-Emergency Fire District
Peotone Public Library
Peotone Township Assessor
Village Hall
Will County Treasurer
(815) 740-4648
Will County Clerk
(815) 740-4615
Will County Fair