Building & Code
Building Inspections
Call for inspections as necessary: don’t proceed with additional work until completed work has been inspected. Do not call the Village Hall for inspections. Call B&F Construction Code at 847-428-7010 or scan and email to Inspections will be made within 48 hours of the request.
The village has contracted with B&F Construction to conduct building permit reviews and construction inspections. The Building Code is established to ensure public safety, health and welfare insofar as they are affected by building construction through structural strength, adequate means of ingress and egress, sanitary equipment, lights, ventilation, fire safety, and to secure safety to life and property.
The Peotone Building Department would like to take this opportunity to remind residents of several important sections of the Building Code:
- Obtain a building permit (if you are unsure if a permit is required, please call the village hall and ask for the building department). Some of the activities that do not require a building permit: the installation of doors or windows when openings are not enlarged, landscaping, exterior painting and interior painting and paneling, repair or replacement of fixed appliances, and private service walks.
- Display the building permit placard so it is visible from the street at all times.
- Ensure contractors are registered with the village. Make sure your contractors are insured (including workers’ compensation).
- Call for inspections as necessary: don’t proceed with additional work until completed work has been inspected. Do not call the Village Hall for inspections. Call B&F Construction Code directly at 847-428-7010 or scan and email to
Code Enforcement
Our goal is to eliminate blight, improve the appearance of business and residential areas and create a community where all those who live, work or visit can experience a sense of pride and well-being.
To protect the residential atmosphere of your neighborhood, as well as prevent unsafe and unsightly use of property. The Village of Peotone has adopted municipal codes to achieve the quality of life everyone wants to enjoy. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with some of the codes.
While citations may be issued for any violation of the Property Maintenance or Building Regulation Codes, the below violations historically tend to occur more often.
- Grass exceeds 6 inches and /or excessive weeds
- Work done without a permit (or with an expired permit)
- Trash & debris on property
- Fence in disrepair
- Exterior maintenance needed (façade, hardscapes, outbuildings, etc.)
- Address numbers are not visible on house (numbers must be at least 3-inches high)
- Commercial vehicle parked in a residential zone
- Parking on an unapproved surface
- Inoperable vehicle
- Swimming pools
Tall Grass Violations– Avoid Expensive Mowing Invoices & Liens
Preventing tall grass and weeds during the growing season is a major code enforcement goal of the Village. Unkempt lawns undermine the appearance of our neighborhoods and typically account for the largest number of complaints received each year. Per ordinance, grass and weeds cannot exceed 6 inches. Violators will be issued and order to Remedy requiring the matter to be addressed within 7 days and/or up to the Code Enforcer or the Village Administrator. If the resident or business neglects to do so, they will be issued a ticket or with approval of the Village Administrator the Village will mow the property and an invoice will be sent. Unpaid invoices will result in a lien against the property.
- All pools intended for swimming or recreational (above ground and on-ground, hot tubs and spas that contains water over 24 inches deep requires a permit.
- Pools shall be completely surrounded by a fence or barrier not less than 48 inches.
Common Hazards & Nuisances
- Finishing a basement, enclosing a porch, and building a deck are examples of common improvements that require a building permit.
- Replacing a roof requires a permit. Please Inquire.
- A permit is needed for storage sheds, fences, and sprinkler systems.
- If proper permitting and procedure has not been followed, a stop work order will be issued
- VEHICLES – Junk and inoperable vehicles are not permitted. Vehicles must be in working condition, fully assembled and have current license and registration information.
- PARKING – All vehicles must be parked on an improved surface. No vehicles are allowed to be parked on the grass or side yard.
- NON-COMMERCIAL TRAILERS & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES – Parking is permitted only on approved surfaces and must not obstruct the public walkway.
- CLEAN YARD – Yards shall be well-kept, clean and free of loose trash and debris. The storing of junk, trash, rubbish, garbage and refuse on private property is prohibited.
- RECEPTACLES – are not permitted in front of the house except on pick-up days.
- GRASS, weeds, etc. taller than 6” must be mowed and not be blown into the street.
- FENCES – All fences must be well-maintained and in vertical position.
- ADDRESS NUMBERS – All homes must have address numbers posted at the front of the property and must be visible from the street.
- PAINT AND SIDING – Paint must be well maintained without chipping, and siding must be intact.